About Me

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Hi! My name is MaryAnn , in a nutshell , Im just a city gal who left the city to live life in the desert with dreams and a family I love very much. Im just an artists , tryin' to live my dreams , go where they take me , and just see what happens.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

O.k. so Im behind but catchin' up! : )

So I have had a really tuff time these days tryin' to do my challenges , my remodel has been a real doozy I kid you not . So I didn't finish the colore challenge on time but I got it done and just as long as I can finish it and turn it in I still accomplished completing it so I feel good . So here is the layout I did for the color combos galore , its my friends little girl Julie at the poppy fields we went to last winter , so here ya go and sorry for the delay.

1 comment:

  1. Hey "M"! Wonderin' if you were still planning to "strip" with us over at C.S.D. :)
