About Me

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Hi! My name is MaryAnn , in a nutshell , Im just a city gal who left the city to live life in the desert with dreams and a family I love very much. Im just an artists , tryin' to live my dreams , go where they take me , and just see what happens.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What do I wish to accomplish ? Jamie's Ridler's Wishcast Wednsday

I wish to feng shui my home , and get it all situated again . I have been in remodel mode for a really long time and this living room of mine needs to get back to the way it was . So I am doin some videos on watching me do my home , and show all kinds of artsy ways to decorate your home on a budget . So thats my wish , that I can share how I get through clearing my home in an artful fun way . I hope you can join me on my journey and , maybe join in for yourself in your home so you can realize that its really not that bad and doesn't take lots of money I hope you join me! that would be a great wish LOL! so I can see others do their rooms as I do mine . It will be fun! : P


  1. Thanks for letting us into your home -- beautiful kitchen! As Mary Ann wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well.

  2. As Mary Ann wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. Thanks for sharing!

  3. As Mary Ann wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  4. ~may you find peace and balance in your home oh so soon...may it be filled with good vibes and great inspiration...as Mary Ann wishes for herself so I wish for her too...brightest blessings~

  5. I hope you find everything coming together easily and the way you want it! :D

  6. Hey Mary Ann! Thanks for playing along at Gauche Alchemy's blog hop today. :) Nice to meet you.

  7. Hi M!

    I believe in feng shui too! All the best in getting centered!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

